16 Days of Activism Commemorated November 25 – December 10, 2020
December 12, 2020
Did you notice the orange lights shining on Burbank City Hall or Burbank Water & Power? Or perhaps you noticed that the Nickelodeon building was lit up orange? Or maybe, as you passed Burbank Airport, you noticed the Tower lit in orange on November 25th?
Zonta International, through its 1,200 clubs in 63 countries, organizes events to highlight 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence which ran this year from November 25th (International Day for the Elimination of Gender based violence) and ended on December 10th (Human Rights Day). The Zonta Club of Burbank Area is part of this global event.

The City of Burbank annually shows its solidarity with the Zonta Club of Burbank Area by turning the exterior lights of City Hall and the Burbank Water and Power building orange. The color orange represents an optimistic symbol for a future without violence for women and girls worldwide.

Throughout 16 Days, groups around the world work to call for the elimination of violence against women by:
§ Raising awareness about gender-based violence as a human rights issue at the local, national, regional and international levels.
§ Strengthening local work around violence against women.
§ Demonstrating the solidarity of women around the world organizing to prevent and end violence against women.