Pick up your favorite candy and help a great cause.
Every day is a celebration when you have delicious candy! Pick up your See's Candies favorites at our special link.
Not only will you get some of the best candy in the world, but you'll also help fund educational grants for women via Zonta Club of Burbank Area programs. That's a sweet deal if we've heard one.
Women have been breaking barriers since the beginning of time and deserve more recognition and support. Investing in scholarships for women gives them the opportunity to reach their goals and make a brighter future.
Make an impact by supporting scholarships for women with Zonta Club of Burbank’s special See’s Candies online shop. A small purchase goes a long way helping someone achieve their goals. All profits from the sale of See's Candies via our special link will go to Zonta Club of Burbank Area's programs!
Get your delicious chocolates, lollipops, and peanut brittle now while supporting scholarships for women that are making changes in our world every day.